My journey to self-love and finding ways to soften the hardness that had settled within my heart. 

In the earlier stages of my life, I experienced some of the lowest, darkest moments of my journey. I was a woman with a little self-love, bottling everything inside and unable to express my feelings, emotions, or anything that bothered me. My self-love was invisible.

During a long-term relationship, I suffered several hurts but always put them behind me, choosing to ignore them because I did not want to lose what I had. Instead of expressing how I really felt, I held on to each hurt within my heart. Over the years, we shared many joyful moments and much love, but I always felt the need to do my best to avoid being hurt again.

I fell pregnant, which was not planned. Lacking the communication skills to express how I felt, I agreed to have an abortion. I remember going in for the scan just before it was scheduled, wishing and hoping that something would stop it from happening, but it didn’t. This left a big hole in my heart. I felt hurt, guilt, and pain. I could not speak to anyone about it because I had agreed to keep it quiet. It was incredibly hard for me, as I was hurting inside and didn’t know how to communicate my feelings to my ex-partner.

I share my story in the hope that it resonates with women who have experienced trauma or feel disconnected from themselves, encouraging them to seek love and acceptance within.

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