In this episode, Sophia Ufy Ukor talks to Meredith Brown, founder of Menopause51 about her own menopause experience, what inspired her to found her company and her journey so far. 

Throughout this episode, they discuss the importance of normalising the conversation about menopause and raising awareness around it. 

Since “80% of those going through menopause are in the workforce and are the fastest growing demographic, as more and more women stay longer at work”. Most of us probably know someone who goes through it and sometimes they don’t know how to start a conversation. That is why, to Brown, inclusive language and accessibility could help more people feel less alone with their symptoms and recognise them better. Meredith Brown also discusses symptoms of menopause and long-term health consequences.

"I started experiencing hot flushes, a common symptom of perimenopause and menopause and then the night sweats followed and a number of other symptoms. Once I realised it was menopause, I was able to start to think of how to support myself. That's not usual for many women who enter perimenopause; they often think they might be suffering from early onset dementia because of having issues with brain fog and recalling information." - Meredith Brown.